Dangerous Goods prohibited on Skynet
Dangerous Goods are not accepted for carriage on Skynet. The list given below is not exhaustive and is issued mainly for your guidance. An exhaustive list may be seen in the current "IATA DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS" handbook, or you may Contact Us for further assistance.
- Articles and substances having a mass explosion hazard
- Articles and substances having a projection hazard
- Articles and substances having a fire hazard and/or a minor blast hazard
- Flammable Gas
- Non-flammable, non-toxic gas
- Toxic gas
Flammable Liquids / Flammable Solids
- Flammable Solids
- Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
- Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
- Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxide
- Toxic and Infectious Substances
- Radioactive Material
- Corrosives
Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods - please Contact Us for more information
Chemicals Dangerous Goods are not acceptable for carriage.
For all other chemicals that are accepted for carriage the following documents are required, apart from the normal customs paperwork.
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Certificate
Certificate from the Shipper certifying that the goods are not covered under the latest edition of the IATA DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS, and are non-hazardous, non-toxic and non-corrosive, and can be carried on a passenger aircraft.
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) which should include 'Transportation details'.
Banned Commodities - All Services
The following commodities are banned on ALL services of Skynet
- Currency
- Indian Postal Articles
- Liquids & Semi-liquids
- Philately Items
- Pornography
- Bullion
- Drugs and Narcotics (Illegal)
- Firearms, parts thereof and ammunition
- Precious & Semi-Precious Items
- Radioactive Material
- Commodities banned by Law at any given time without prior notice
- All IATA Restricted Items and Dangerous goods
Please Contact us for further details.
Restricted Commodities - Domestic
The following commodities are restricted on the Domestic Services, but may be accepted cargo and surface Services:
- Electronic and Electrical Products and Spare Parts with battery source
- Single package over 32 kgs
- Oversized packages (max. dimensions accepted: 32"x19"x19").
- Domestic Priority shipments destined to locations where octroi or Sales Tax is applicable i.e. Haryana, Maharashtra , Orissa, Punjab and Rajasthan, would be subject to octroi levies irrespective of value. Check Domestic Regulatory and the Sales Tax Act for items falling under Sales Tax purview.
- Commodities banned by law at any given time and without prior notice.
Please Contact us for further details.
Prohibited Items for International Services
The following items are unacceptable for carriage via International Service by Poonam to all international points:
- Firearms, parts thereof and ammunition
- All Dangerous Goods as defined by IATA
- Corpses, cremated or disinterred remains
- Foodstuffs/Perishable (Food and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control)
- Gambling Devices: Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by national, provincial, state or local law.
- Live animals and plants (Note: Cut flowers are acceptable to Canada )
- Money (Coins, Cash currency, Paper money and Negotiable Instruments.
- Pornography
- Dry Ice (including that used for packaging).
Shipments Being Processed Under:
- Carnets * :(allows temporary import for display, etc. without duties)
- Drawback Claims * :(request for refund of import duties at the time of export)
- Temporary Importation Bond * :(allows temporary import for repair, etc.)
- State Department Licenses * :(May be referred to as "ITAR", munitions, list, "military", "dsp-5", "dsp-61", "dsp-73", or "dsp-85" shipments)
- Inbound Shipments * :(shipments moving in or out of customs bonded warehouse or free trade zone, FTZ)
- Certificate of Registration Shipments * :(shipments requiring presentation to U.S. customs prior to export)
- Drug Enforcement Agency * :(DEA) Shipments (Shipments regulated by DEA)
- Please Contact us for further details.
Additionally :
- Any shipment which would be likely to cause damage, or delay to equipment, personnel or other shipments
- Any shipment which may require the carrier to obtain a license for its transportation
- Any item whose carriage is prohibited by any law, statute or regulations of the country of origin or destination, or of any country through which the shipment may transit.